AKC Fast CAT Tests 9/14 – 9/15/24
About The Event
The AKC’s Fast CAT test is a test of speed that appeals to all dog lovers and is one of the fastest growing dog sports in the United States.
Fast CAT is for any dog of any breed, including mixed-breeds, over one year of age. A dog running alone must pursue a lure in a straight, 100 yard dash in this timed test. The dog’s speed is calculated (and handicapped in the case of dogs under 18 inches at the shoulder), and the dog earns points based on speed towards various titles and breed (or All-American) rankings.
This event is colocated with a Dock Diving facility. Dock rental and lessons will be available throughout the weekend.
Fun and Safe Coursing Are Emphasized By Our Club
No special skills or training are required to start a dog in lure coursing, but dogs must be in good physical condition for this demanding sport.
Dogs must pass a physical inspection before they can run, and must be warmed up before coursing and cooled down after they run. A dog who is lame or is overweight will not be allowed to run—for the dog’s safety. A lame dog may put unusual stress on his healthy joints and cause another injury—or he might turn a mild injury into a serious one. Overweight dogs will put undue stress on their bodies and are much more prone to injury.
Just like human athletes your dog should warm up with a brisk five minute walk or short jog, combined with some stretching.
Handlers must be able to hold their dogs securely on leash when not running. Short leashes are recommended. Dogs may wear a flat or martingale collar that is flat-lying and snug to minimize the chances of getting hung up on something during the run, or may run without a collar.
No choke collars, prong collars, or electronic training collars allowed. No retractable leads allowed.